Simons Searchlight Research Match Program


(Credit: Simons Searchlight)

The Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative (SFARI) launched the Research Match program in 2017. Research Match is a free service that enables approved researchers to re-contact participants from SFARI autism cohorts, including SPARK (Simons Foundation Powering Autism Research), Simons Searchlight and Simons Simplex Collection (SSC), for recruitment into new research studies. 

Since Research Match launched, more than 180 projects have been conducted with participants recruited through this service, of which more than 70 projects are currently in progress. In addition, 34 papers and preprints have been published based on these studies.

To date, 3,213 families participating in Simons Searchlight have been invited to join a study; 1,751 of these families have agreed to join studies through Research Match.

Relevant Simons Searchlight Research Match Projects:

Researchers interested in recruiting Simons Searchlight participants into their studies can submit an application through SFARI Base. Approved researchers will receive further information about how to contact families.

Learn more about Research Match by visiting the SFARI website.

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